
In order to achieve the vision set forth in a given comprehensive plan, a city must take the necessary step between planning and implementation. Generally, after a significant amount of time has been spent convening stakeholders, studying the city, and drafting plans for the future, the community focuses on the implementation of shared goals into reality. As part of The Island Way planning process, the community developed a Vision Statement and Plan Goals to form a foundation for the succeeding efforts that would follow their formation. The Vision Statement focuses on the island’s unique assets and opportunities while Plan Goals set a direction for the many topics that the comprehensive plan addresses.
Implementation begins with the Plan Goals, which are themselves divided into Actions: concrete steps for public policy that are attainable and measurable. In the Implementation Matrix at the end of this chapter, a list of Actions is delineated alongside their corresponding Plan Goals, which are categorized by topic. In addition to this information, the implementation matrix delegates responsibility to City departments, funding resources, and individual staff members. The Implementation Matrix also provides a projected timeline and cost estimates for each Action.
We want to hear from you!
Your comments are important to The Island Way… South Padre Island’s Comprehensive Plan. Please use this form to provide additional comments, suggestions, and concerns about your ideas for the future of South Padre Island, as well as any comments you would like to make about the information presented to City Council.